Adipose Derived Stem Cell

Adipose Derived Stem Cell
our areas of focus
What are Adipose-Derived Stem Cells?
Adipose-derived stem cells are undifferentiated adult stem cells that are found in fatty tissue. Adipose is a highly-concentrated source of mesenchymal stem cells, which are considered the gold standard for stem cell therapy today. Mesenchymal cells can differentiate into many types of other cells that make up bone, cartilage, muscle tissue, and nerves. These cells are sometimes called stromal vascular fraction and can be used effectively in many different stem cell therapies. These therapies include those that commonly address musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, autoimmune disorders, metabolic disorders such as diabetes and kidney disease, and neurologic problems, among others. This is because MSCs, or mesenchymal cells, provide the ability to differentiate, multiply, and self-renew, allowing for regeneration of the target cell in need.Â
How are Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Collected?
Adipose stem cell extraction involves a small lipoaspiration procedure which produces a sample of your own fat tissue that can be processed and broken down to obtain a highly-concentrated dose of mesenchymal stem cells. The number of cells obtained can range from 30 – 60 million in each dose, which is much higher than other stem cell methods. This data has been obtained from our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities where we have tested numerous samples for viability and count, to ensure that our patients are receiving the highest level of care and the best possible outcome.
What Can I Expect During This Process?
Our stem cell procedures are performed on-site at our state-of-the-art, accredited ambulatory facility by our expert providers. We’ll ensure you’re comfortable and relaxed as our board-certified experts guide you through the process using image-guided techniques to ensure the procedure is safe and effective. After the cells are collected and processed, they are suspended in platelet-rich plasma derived from your own blood sample for better administration. After the procedure, you can return home with instructions for your quick and easy recovery.
What Happens After Injection?
Stem cells are administered on the same day as your collection procedure and will begin to differentiate into specific cells that can benefit you based on your condition. It can be difficult to estimate how long this process takes since everyone’s body has physiologic differences and diverse rates of healing. Many patients can benefit from platelet-rich plasma treatments in addition to stem cell therapy, which can boost this process. This will be evaluated and discussed by your provider on site.
What are the Benefits of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells?
Adipose-derived stem cells are highly versatile and can be taken from rich and readily-available sources. Although bone marrow was once the main source of mesenchymal cells, experts have found that adipose has much easier and less invasive collection requirements. Additionally, some studies point to adipose-derived stem cells retaining their potency throughout age, rather than bone marrow which can begin to diminish over time. This means that adipose-derived stem cells can offer effective therapeutic options to patients experiencing conditions that are often age-related.
Schedule a Consultation
At Axis Stem Cell Institute, we believe that a healthy body, mind, and lifestyle is one of the best ways to live your best life. When a condition prevents you from achieving this, however, we believe that stem cells can help. We seek to provide the most effective stem cell therapies using the latest in scientific research and advancement so that you have options other than expensive surgery or constant medications. Our expert providers stay up-to-date on the latest stem cell research so that we can guide you through the right choices for your body and health.
Stem cells from fat tissue can be an effective option for regenerating your body using your own tissues and cells. To schedule a consultation at our Seattle or St. Petersburg office by calling 206.823.0960 or filling out our online form.
Adipose-Derived Stem Cell FAQ's
Are there stem cells in adipose tissue?
Yes, stem cells are present on whats called the stromal vascular fraction or the vascular presence encorporated in the fat tissue. This is isolated and stripped off of the adipose tissue to obtain mesenchymal stem cells.
Can you use your own stem cells?
Yes, stem cells that come from your own tissue like fat or bone marrow are very effective and safe and can be considered the gold standard source for mesenchymal stem cells
Does adipose stem cell therapy work?
As stated on "The facts: Stem cell therapies may offer the potential to treat diseases or conditions for which few treatments exist. Sometimes called the body’s “master cells,” stem cells are the cells that develop into blood, brain, bones, and all of the body’s organs. They have the potential to repair, restore, replace, and regenerate cells, and could possibly be used to treat many medical conditions and diseases." It is important to find a clinic who is educated in completng stem cell therapies correctly and is using only lab tested products and certified extracton and application procedures. At Axis our providers have been specifically trained and certified on the proper techniques for stem cell extraction and application. All products used have been lab tested for safety and efficacy.
Does adipose tissue regenerate?
Yes , like other tissues in the body adipose tissue can regenerate. This is a process dependent on the host for how greatly adipocytes expand.
How do you harvest adipose stem cells?
The harvest is completed via a minor in-office procedure under local anesthesia. The procedure is very similar to a mini lipo in which the patient experiences very little discomfort.
How do you remove adipose tissue?
Adipose tissue is removed through a mini liposuction technique in office with the use of a tumescent for local anesthesia . A small incision about 2 mm long is placed at the extraction site. This incision heals quickly in about 3 days.
What are adipose derived stem cells?
Adipose derived stem cells are found in adipose or fat tissue. The provider will determine the best location to extract them. Common locations are the abdomen or love handles.
What are the different types of stem cells?
There are two types of stem cells categorized as adult and embryonic. Within adult derived stem cells we can also sub categorize adult postnatal sources of cells like umbilical cord blood and unbilical cord tissue. These along with amniotic and placental sources, are no harm to mother or fetus and typically collected post partum. At axis stem cell we use only adult mesenchymal stem cells that come from a matured human either autologous (from the patient) or allogeneic ( from an adult donor tissue) . Adult stem cells are very easy to harvest and are very safe , especially when using stem cells from the patients own body. Other types of adult stem cells are hematopoetic stem cells which give rise to blood cell lineages. These stem cells are found in bone marrow ( as well as umbilical cord blood) along with mesenchymal stem cells which can be used for patients with blood disorders and often given via bone marrow transfusion.
What are the negative effects of stem cell therapy?
There are currently very little side effects expereienced with most stem cell therapies when applied by a licensed medical provider who has been trained in the extraction and applcation of stem cell therapies. When applied safely , stem cell therapy carries very little risk. Some minor after effects experieced may be some mild soreness at the extraction and injection site. If applied improperly stem cells along with other compounds, medications, and alteranative treatments can cause a poor outcome, but stem cells themself are NOT harmful .
What are the side effects of stem cell therapy?
There are no side effects. You may experience some mild soreness at the area of extractio nand/or injection . Consult your provider for further information regarding your specific procedure.
What can stem cells repair?
As stated on "The facts: Stem cell therapies may offer the potential to treat diseases or conditions for which few treatments exist. Sometimes called the body’s “master cells,” stem cells are the cells that develop into blood, brain, bones, and all of the body’s organs. They have the potential to repair, restore, replace, and regenerate cells, and could possibly be used to treat many medical conditions and diseases." It is important to find a clinic who is educated in completng stem cell therapies correctly and is using only lab tested products and certified extracton and application procedures. At Axis our providers have been specifically trained and certified on the proper techniques for stem cell extraction and application. All products used have been lab tested for safety and efficacy.
What is adipose stem cell therapy?
Adipose stem cell therapy is a process by which fat tissue is harvested and processed in a way to collect medenchymal stem cells. The MSCs are then injected into the area of need to provide regeneration of the desired tissue such as cartilage in your joints, repairing of fractures or damaged bone, or revitalizing cartilage and elastin for damaged or scarred tissue.
What is adipose tissue?
Adipose tissue is fat tissue
What is an example of adipose tissue?
Adipose or Fat tissue can be found around the belly, buttocks, hips are thighs . Fat tissue provides insulation and is stored and used for energy . Holding an excessive or obese amount of fat tissue can promote multiple medical disorders including diabetes, heart disease and chronic pain.
What is the best source of stem cells?
For proper determination of which stem cell source is best , an adequate history and physical should be taken to make sure the type of stem cell and application is tailored to the patients condition.
Where are stem cells found?
We are all comprised of stem cells. Stem cells may be found in all tissues of the body including the skin, blood, fat, bones, organs, and brain and they continue to renew and age as we do. The most common sources of stem cell used for the greatest efficacy and application can be found in fat, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood and tissue. We harvest stem cells in an area where they lie somewhat dormant and inject them in a concentrated dose into the area of necessity.
Where do adipose stem cells come from?
Adipose tissue or fat tissue and can be found in common areas of the body including abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks . Stem cells are present along the vascular portions that marble throughout fat tissue and are extracted via liposuction and stripped off of the fat in the lab for further injection into the area of need.
Does Adipose tissue contain stem cells?
Adipose tissue stem cells (ASCs) are considered as a type of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) in stromal vascular fractions (SVF) which are isolated from fat through enzymatic reduction.
Are embryonic stem cells the best source ?
At this time embryonic stem cells are illegal and unethical to use in practice, although they are studies in ongoing research trials. Embryonic stem cells can be unpredictable and dangerous. The use of embryonic stem cells also harms the fetus in which they are derived from. At AXIS we practice only safe, legal, and effective extractions and applicztions of adult derived stem cell sources.
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